Art Off The Rails: Call for artwork!

Matt Linley from the ‘Art Off The Rails’ scheme has asked Wivenhoe Printworks to put together images for display on Wivenhoe Station platforms for March and April. We are inviting all Printworks Members to submit images we can select and prepare for this great free display opportunity to promote Printworks and our individual creative work!

Artist and work details

Please give us details of your work and we will try to include these on the printed blowups. If you have a website or Instagram account then let us know and we will make some QR codes to stick by the work. Here is a little form to use to share this information with us:


More details about how the work will be seen:

Station Display Frames

Art Off The Rails have six large display frames on the station platforms: five on Platform 2 (Clacton line) and one on Platform 1 (London line). The frames are all 26’ x 40’ (66cm x 101.5cm) which is somewhere between A1 and A0 in size, and are weatherproof. The scheme also has a budget for printing up enlarged versions of scanned or photographed work and will take care of all installation.


Please bring in your images next week (Sunday 19th Feb at the latest) so we have time to scan them. The prepared image scans will be given to Matt on Wednesday 22nd Feb to send off to printers. The finished prints will be installed in the Station display frames by Matt on the weekend of March 4th/5th.

Images and Sizes

We need material that can be scanned or photographed, so it should be unframed and unglazed. If work is flat un-mounted and A4 or smaller we can scan it in the workshop (if flat but mounted we will photograph it). For work that is up to A3 and flat unmounted we can get it scanned professionally in Colchester as long as we have it by the morning of Friday 17th Feb. Bigger work up to A2 can also be scanned as long as it is flat and can cope with being wrapped round a drum scanner.

Sadly we can’t do anything with framed glazed work as this will not scan or photograph well.

Image style

We want a wide range of work but some kinds of image will be more suitable for this outdoor situation. As many people will view the framed work from the opposite platform large bold images will generally be most effective. If you have a print that has a powerful design but is small then we can scan it and enlarge it. But work that has a lot of fine detail may not work so well visually. If in doubt please contact John Wallett as soon as possible to avoid last minute probs.

Shallow Relief Objects

There are two smaller ‘Art On The Rails’ display areas above the toilet doors in the Ticket Office. These are approximately 55.8cm x 75.4cm. They can take work up to 4.5cm in depth behind their clear perspex fronts and have no side frames. Because they are high up they are not really suitable for flat printed work, but if you think you have something visually ‘punchy’ that is shallow 3D then please let us know?

ps About ‘Off The Rails’

First started in 2010, ‘Off the Rails’ was set up as an art and poetry project based at Wivenhoe Railway Station, showcasing local creative talent and businesses from Wivenhoe and North Essex. Wivenhoe attracts many visitors and residents because of its vibrant arts and literary scenes, and a large number of rail travellers use the station every week. With grant aid from several sources ‘Art Off the Rails’ has shown a range of very diverse art and graphic work over the years. The scheme is ongoing and welcomes new approaches from artists and makers. If you have an idea then take a look at their website and get in touch with them: